Final Presentation


Summary of George Lakoff’s, Metaphor and War:  The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf (2 parts), published November 1991

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Lakoff metaphors reviewed and summarized in his words:

1.    War is politics pursued by other means, (Clausewitz’s metaphor)

a.    Politics is Business

b.    Cost benefit analysis defines objectives, tallies costs, determines worth

                                                                                           i.     This metaphor rules out some possible costs, including ecological costs, make a zero-sum system where costs to the other side are gains

                                                                                          ii.     Devalues human life, if that life is on the other side, even if that life is innocent

2.    State-as-person system

a.    State as person, engaging in social relations with neighbors, either friends or enemies

                                                                                           i.     States can be peaceful of aggressive, responsible or irresponsible, industrious or lazy

                                                                                          ii.     Well being is wealth, everything is in economic terms

                                                                                        iii.     Strength is military strength

                                                                                        iv.     Maturity is industrialization

1.    third world nations are immature children

2.    rationality is the maximization of self-interest

                                                                                         v.     violence can further self interest

1.    can be stopped by balance of power, collective persuasion or the strong cop

b.    morality is a matter of accounting

                                                                                           i.     keep moral books balanced to keep justice

c.    Ruler can stand for the state as well as the state-as-person

                                                                                           i.     Only applies to leaders perceived as illegitimate rulers

d.    HIDDEN by this metaphor:

                                                                                           i.     Class structure, ethnic composition, religious rivalry, political parities, ecology, influence of military and corporation.

                                                                                          ii.     If national interest is the goal, then other interests are lost in this metaphor

3.    Fairy tale of the Just War

a.    Cast:  villain, victim, hero

b.    Scenario:  crime committed by villain against innocent victim, due to imbalance of power, and hero, either together or alone, engages villain in battle, victory is achieved and moral balance restored.

                                                                                           i.     Self defense scenario

                                                                                          ii.     Rescue scenario

                                                                                        iii.     In order to be a hero, one must be acting selflessly, so there is a contradiction between the self-interested hero and the self-defense scenario

Expert’s Metaphors as laid out by Lakoff:

4.    Rational Actor Metaphor

5.    Causal Commerce System

a.    Causal Transfer

                                                                                           i.     ex. sanctions give Iraq economic difficulties

                                                                                          ii.     purposeful actions turn into transfers of objects

b.    Exchange metaphor for value

                                                                                           i.     value is what you are wiling to exchange for it

                                                                                          ii.     ex: question of worth over going to war with Iraq uses exchange metaphor for value plus the causal transfer metaphor

c.    Well-being is wealth

                                                                                           i.     increases in well-being are gains, decreases are costs

                                                                                          ii.     qualitative actions become quantitative

6.    Risk Metaphors

a.    Risks are Gambles

b.    Mathematicization of Metaphor

                                                                                           i.     Risks as Gambles and Causal Commerce, probability theory, decision theory and game theory are basis

c.    Rational Action

                                                                                           i.     Rational person is someone who acts in his own self-interest, maximizing his own well being

d.    Rationality is Profit Maximization

                                                                                           i.     Presupposes Causal Commerce plus Risks-as-Gambles

7.    International Politics Is Business

a.    The state is the Rational Actor, whose actions are transactions, engaged in maximizing gains and minimizing costs

                                                                                           i.     Cost benefit analysis, game theory and Clausewitz’s metaphor are basis

8.    Clausewitz’s metaphor

a.    War as violent crime

                                                                                           i.     Murder, assault, kidnapping, arson, rape and theft

1.    understood as moral dimension

2.    us/them asymmetry

b.    War as a competitive game

                                                                                           i.     Clear winners and losers

c.    War as medicine

                                                                                           i.     Military control by the enemy is seen as cancer

                                                                                          ii.     Military operations are seen as hygienic, used to clean out enemy fortification, bombing raids are surgical strikes

What is Victory?

              1.  In a fairy tale or game, victory is well-defined, and once achieved the story or game is over



Summary of George Lakoff’s, Metaphors of Terror, published September 16, 2001

Full text of article


Lakoff Metaphors:

1.    Buildings as metaphors

a.    Features: eyes, nose, mouth

b.    Planes flying into WTC were like bullets through a head

c.    WTC buildings falling were like erect people falling

2.    Control is up, on top; loss of control is down, falling

3.    Phallic Imagery:  collapse means loss of power

4.    Pentagon is symbol of vaginal image, penetrated by the plane, violation

5.    Society is a building: foundation is solid, but can crumble

6.    Length of time something stands: “stands the test of time”, “this will not stand”

7.    Building as Temple: WTC was the destruction of the temple of capitalist commerce at the heart of society

8.    Remains of WTC with continuing smoke was hell

9.    Crime:  victims, perpetrators

10.Moral is Up, immoral is down

a.    Immoral people are animals

11.Strict Father Morality

a.    Evil:  Palpable thing, force in the world

b.    To stand up to it, you must be strong

c.    Evil people do evil things

d.    There are no social causes of evil

e.    No religious rational of evil

f.     No reasons or arguments for evil

g.    Enemy of evil is good

h.    Nothing is more important than the battle of good against evil

i.      Security as containment

                                                                                           i.     Keep the evil doers out

12.Nurturant morality

a.    Ethical behavior centers on empathy and responsibility

                                                                                           i.     Fairness

                                                                                          ii.     Minimal violence

                                                                                        iii.     Ethic of care

                                                                                        iv.     Protection of those needing it

                                                                                         v.     Recognition of interdependence

                                                                                        vi.     Cooperation for the common good

                                                                                      vii.     Building of community

                                                                                     viii.     Mutual respect

b.    Implies multilateralism, interdependence and international cooperation

                                                                                           i.     Without nurturant norms can be applied to strict father morality





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